How to Save Audience Sets, Add a Set, and Edit Sets

Ways to manage audiences and improve your campaign creation workflow.

Audience sets save you time by eliminating the need to recreate the target audiences that you've built in the past. Save your best performing audience so you can easily access it when creating your next campaign.

Saving Your Set

Once you discover a set of target audiences that performs well for your business, save those audiences to use again in the future.

To do this, you can save your audience set.

  1. Once you have the audiences you would like to save, select 'Save Set.'

  2. Name your audience set.

  3. If you’d like to generate these audiences each time you create an ad campaign, check the box to the left of “Make Default Set for New Campaigns."

Adding Your Set

You can use your saved audience set by selecting 'Use Set,' choosing the set you would like to use, and selecting 'Replace Existing Audiences.'

Editing Your Set

To edit an existing audiences set:

  1. Select the audience set you'd like to edit.

  2. Make any changes you'd like.

  3. Select 'Save Set' and 'Update Set.'

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