Email Campaigns FAQ

Your one-stop shop for all questions Email Campaigns related! Head to to start making your first email campaign.


Technical Support Questions (campaign stuck sending, users not receiving emails, daily send limit not updating, etc)

Subscriber List / List Management Questions (viewing lists, updating lists, etc)

Email Targeting Questions (how to send emails to past buyers, those who haven't purchased yet, etc)

Email Creation Questions (how to make email campaign, etc)

Email Reporting Questions (click rate, open rate, etc)

Other General Questions (tips, case studies)

"Pay As You Go" FAQ

Technical Support Questions

Why is my campaign stuck sending?

We’re sorry to hear you’re experiencing issues with your email campaign(s) sending! Sometimes, it can appear that a campaign is “stuck” because the campaign details (report) won't update until the full campaign has been sent. Rest assured, once all the emails are sent, the reporting details will update accordingly.

-If your emails are not sending during their prescribed time frame, reach out to and let us know the name of the campaign. A team member will respond to you shortly.

What is the difference between Emails to Attendees and Email Campaigns?

Emails to Attendees refers to sending information or updates to your existing attendees about a specific event, which you can send or schedule from within your event. Read more about it here.

Email Campaigns reach customers who have opted into receiving email marketing communications from your organization. You may email these individuals about upcoming events. You may not email existing attendees about a different event unless they have subscribed to your email list, which is automatically created for you and viewable at

My attendees are saying they haven't received my email(s).

If the email is listed as delivered, then the email has been received. If the customer uses gmail, they may have received the email in their “Promotions” inbox rather than their “Primary” inbox.

You may additionally view the "Delivery Report" of any email to see all the email addresses it has successfully been delivered to.

Anything "Bounced" will read "Bounced." This means the email was undeliverable.

I upgraded to reach more than 250 emails a day. Why doesn’t my account say I have the new daily limit?

If you have upgraded to an Eventbrite Boost paid plan to access 2,000/6,000/10,000 emails/day and you do not see this limit reflected in your account, please email and we will help you get sorted!

How do I know if my account has been flagged for spam and how that affects my email limits?

When you are flagged as being a spam risk, your daily send limit is lowered and you will receive a warning email from Eventbrite.

Some of our best practices to avoid putting yourself at a spam risk include:

  • Complying with all applicable laws in your region

  • Only emailing people who give you permission

  • Honoring all unsubscribe notices – this means removing unsubscribed users from your email lists.

Subscriber List / List Management Questions

Where do I access my subscriber list?

You can view all those who purchased and signed up for emails by heading to where this list is generated – and updated – for you automatically by Eventbrite.

You can also view & select your subscriber list while creating an email campaign. Before sending the campaign out, you will be asked to select Campaign Recipients. From here you will see your Purchasers list, which is created for you automatically by Eventbrite.

How can I re-subscribe someone onto my list?

At this moment, re-subscribing someone onto your email list is not possible. They will need to opt-in for future email communications the next time they RSVP to one of your events or purchase a ticket.

Why do I have less subscribers on my email list than I do ticket buyers?

Your subscriber list is composed of anyone who has purchased tickets to your event(s) in the past, and also agreed to receive email communications from your organization. The option to subscribe to emails is included during the ticket checkout process.

If someone purchased a ticket to your event(s) and did not select the “Keep me updated…” checkbox then they will be excluded from your overall subscriber list, which can be found by heading to

Additionally, Eventbrite Boost currently does not grab email addresses from event attendees prior to 2020. We encourage you to email buyers who have been active in the last 2-3 years.

How are these emails gathered?

Your subscriber list is composed of anyone who has purchased tickets to your event(s) in the past, and also agreed to receive email communications from your organization. The option to subscribe to emails is included during the ticket checkout process.

How do I view those who opted into receiving my emails?

You can view all those who purchased and signed up for emails by heading to where this list is generated – and updated – for you automatically by Eventbrite.

This list will be labeled with the title “Purchasers.” You can then click on the list to see a full list of all the names & email addresses.

What kind of email lists can I upload onto Eventbrite Boost? (excel, csv, etc)

You can upload any CSV file onto Eventbrite Boost. Excel sheets, Google sheets, and other formats are not supported. However, Excel and Google sheets can be downloaded as a CSV file, which you may then upload onto Eventbrite Boost. Navigate to the “Subscriber Lists” tab within Email Campaigns to begin creating a new list.

How should I format my CSV file before uploading to Boost? Can we include other data besides name and email?

When you upload a CSV file, make sure that only email addresses are in column A, first names are in column B, and last names are in column C. You can also export your subscriber list by clicking “Download CSV” (under “Export subscribers”).

How do I add people to my list?

Adding people to your list is super simple. You have a handful of options to add subscribers to your list.

Navigate to the “Subscriber Lists” tab within Email Campaigns to begin creating a new list. Once you name your new email list, click "Manage Subscribers" to explore various options:

  • Import attendees from Previous Events – this will reach your past purchasers on Eventbrite

  • Upload a CSV file of email addresses, which can be downloaded from a current or past email provider

  • Import from contact list

  • Manually add subscribers by email address, one at a time

FYI: All past purchasers of your Eventbrite events automatically get turned into an email list called "Purchasers" when you create your first email campaign. ​

​ You are welcome to customize or create new lists, but the "Purchasers" list will always be there and is dynamically updated as you receive more registers to your ongoing and future events.

Can I import lists from other mailing list tools?

Importing emails from an outside list is easy! Navigate to the “Subscriber Lists” tab within Email Campaigns to begin creating a new list. ​

​ ​Once you name your new email list, click "Manage Subscribers" and choose the following option:

  • Upload a CSV file of email addresses, which can be downloaded from a current or past email provider ​

How do I view my unsubscriber list?

You can head to to view everyone who has unsubscribed from your email list(s).

We encourage you "delete" these users so they are removed from your email list(s).

How do I view any bounced email addresses?

You can start by heading to your Subscriber Lists section to view all your email list(s). From here, you can then select any list & spot email addresses that are marked as “Undeliverable.” This means that they bounced.

You can then remove these emails from your list.

How do I remove any unsubscribed or bounced email addresses from my list(s)?

If you'd like to remove unsubscribers from your list, head to your unsubscribers list and click "delete" next to each name. Anyone in your "unsubscribers list" will not receive future emails, but they will get counted towards your daily send limit (if not deleted).

You can also head into any list inside your Subscribers List and delete email addresses the same way: ​

Cleaning your email lists for bounced messages or spam reports is a best practice, and we encourage you to be proactive about keeping your email privileges in good standing.

Is there a limit to the number of past events I can select while making a subscriber list?

Yes, 10 events. If you’d like to import attendees from more than 10 events, please export attendee info from your attendee summary reports into a master CSV file. From there, you may upload a larger list onto Eventbrite Boost.

I’m having trouble uploading my contacts / receiving an error.

Please make sure you are uploading a CSV file. An Excel Spreadsheet and Google Sheet can both be downloaded as a CSV file, which you may then upload into Eventbrite Boost.

If you are still receiving some sort of error while attempting to upload a CSV file of your email list, send us any screenshots/photos of the issue to and a team member will get back to you shortly!

Email Targeting Questions

Can I email past attendees of a specific event or events?

Yes! There are a few ways to go about this. First, after building your email campaign, you can make a new subscriber list:

From there, you can make a list off of attendees from previous events:

You can alternatively create this list of past attendees before making your Email Campaign by going to and clicking “Manage subscribers” where the “Import attendees from previous events” tool is selectable:

Can I email people who purchased a ticket to my event?

If you want to email ticket buyers about the event they’ve purchased a ticket to, you can quickly and easily do this by heading to From here, you will select your published event, click “Manage Attendees,” and choose “Emails to Attendees.”

You can email them event reminders or any updates/added details about your event.

Note: This tool is for sending transactional emails to registered attendees only. Use Email Campaigns to send marketing emails to your contacts, for on-going and future events.

Can I email people who haven’t yet purchased a ticket to my event?

As of now, there is no way to automatically select those who are subscribed to your email list but haven’t yet purchased a ticket to a particular event.

If you’d like to do this more manually, you may reference the Attendee List for your event, download a list of those individuals, and cross-reference it with your “Purchasers” subscriber list found at

Yes! To retarget subscribers, resend your email campaign to a segment of your audience. This gives them another opportunity to learn about your event.

In your campaign dashboard, you will see your reporting metrics, with a blue button to "retarget subscribers."

From there, you will have the option to retarget the following segments:

  1. Those who have received your email, but have not opened it.

2. Those who have clicked on a link in your email.

3. Those who have received and opened your email, but haven't clicked on a link.

Our recommendation would be to reach either options 1 or 3. These individuals likely have not purchased a ticket from your email, and would be a good opportunity to reach.

If you’d like to do this more manually, you can view the “Delivery Report” for any email, where it will tell you which email addresses have been Delivered, Opened, Clicked, or Bounced. You may then create a list using the email addresses who performed any specific action.

Tip: you can download the Delivery Report as a CSV file, so all you need to do is delete whichever email addresses you want, save the CSV, and re-upload it onto Eventbrite at

Email Creation Questions

How do I make an email campaign? What do I need to get started?

Creating an email campaign using Eventbrite is super simple.

Click here to watch a quick how-to video on easily spinning up your first Email Campaign! 📩 📩

Or check our step by step article here:

The basic elements of an Email Campaign are:

  • Campaign Information, where you can set details such as: Campaign name, Subject, From, Reply-to email address, Header, Email text, and Events

  • Style, where you customize how your email campaign looks, such as updating the Background image and Colors used.

  • Click Send test email to see what your subscribers will receive. Then, select Continue when you’re satisfied with your email.

  • Add campaign recipients, where you can select an existing list or click Create new subscriber list.

  • Schedule or send your email campaign, where you can choose a date and time to schedule the email or send it immediately. We recommend you send one reminder email at least a week prior to the event and one 24 hours before the event.

You may then launch your campaign or save it as a draft! Draft campaigns are viewable in the email campaigns tab and will show Status as "Draft."

Click here to get started with your first email campaign! You can also read more about setting up your Email Campaign in this article:

What types of emails I should be sending (e.g. announce vs. reminder vs. informational)?

The types of emails you send are completely up to you! Although, for event promotions we recommend three types- announcement, reminders and informational emails. Announcement emails include any important information such as a change in Venue or Time Reminder Emails include information on the Upcoming Event and important information regarding event such as bring proof of Vaccination Informational Emails include information about the event

How do I select an event to feature in my email?

When creating your email campaign, all you need to do is scroll down to this “Events” selectable section. From here, you can select all the events you want to feature in the body of your email.

Can I add multiple events to the body of my email?

Yes! You sure can. All you need to do is scroll down to the “Events” selectable section while building out your email campaign. From here, you can select all the events you want to feature in the body of your email.

Can I add a Collections page to my email body?

At this time, there is no way to link a Collections page to your email body the same way you would with a normal event. You can still hyperlink to your Collections page in the body of your email, however. As a reminder you may find your Collection at

How much can I customize with my email?

You can customize the following:

  • Header image

  • Reply-to email address

  • Click-through links to your organizer page or website

  • Body of the email, including font size

  • Featured Events

  • Footer details, such as: brand logo, icons that link to your social media profiles

  • Background image

  • Primary color of your campaign

  • Border color of your email

View our step by step guide on making an email campaign here:

Is there a limit to the number of images in an email?

You may customize your background image and header image. In the future, we are working on allowing custom images in the body of your email. Stay tuned!

The header image appears in the content, above the content text. We recommend using at least a 2160x1080px (2:1 ratio) image that’s no larger than 1MB.

You cannot add other images, or videos, to the body of your email.

How do I add a video to my email campaign?

You may customize your background image and header image. You cannot add other images, or videos, to the body of your email. In the future, we are working on allowing custom videos in the body of your email. Stay tuned!

Where should I upload my organization/company logo in the email?

When building your email campaign, the very last customizable option will be to upload your organizer logo. From here, you may upload whatever image you like. This will appear at the bottom of your email to help provide more branded element.

Can I include a recurring event in my email body?

At this time, you cannot add the overarching event page to a recurring event in your email body. You may select individual dates for your event to spotlight in the email, or link to the live event page of your recurring event more manually, so that it appears in the body of your email.

Do you provide any email templates?

At this moment, pre-crafted email templates for specific kinds of events or emails are not available. We provide a boiler-plate template that you may customize to your liking. Stay tuned for updates!

In the meantime, you can fill out this form to let us know what sorts of templates you'd like to see, and we'll email you once the feature is available!

Where can I find my published email campaigns?

You can find all your published campaigns at The green “sent” icon means the email has been published.

What is the email address the campaign is sent from? Is it from Eventbrite or is it the personal email I include as the “reply to” email?

The emails are sent from the email address you input in the “From” field and the “Reply-to” email address can be different from the “From” email address.

Email Reporting Questions

What do the different reporting metrics mean (Clicks, Opened, Bounced, etc)?

When you launch an email campaign, you will notice metrics such as Opens, Clicks, and Bounced. ​

​This data is delivered to Boost by our email provider, SparkPost, and is defined as the following:

  • Open = email opened. If you have a higher open rate, it usually means your subject lines resonate with your audience. The average email open rate for all industries analyzed is 21.33%

  • Click = event link clicked. The Clickthrough rate (CTR) can be used to gauge how well your content in the email is performing.

  • Bounced = they tried to deliver the email but the recipient address was full or it was not found.

If an email recipient is added to a new list but bounced in a previous list, adding it to a new list will identify it as bounced and Boost won’t try to send further messages.

You are able to see a complete list of which email addresses opened, clicked, or bounced in the "Delivery Report" page of each email campaign. ​

​ ​To obtain the full report, you can click "Export CSV" in the Delivery Report page.

What does open rate mean? What's considered a good open rate?

Open rates are one of the best ways to tell whether your email strategy is working. This number shows what percentage of your audience opens the emails you send them. If you have a higher open rate, it usually means your subject lines resonate with your audience. According to MailChimp, “The average email open rate for all industries we analyzed is 21.33%” – So anything above 20% is considered good.

What does click-through rate mean? What's considered a good through rate?

Another good way to check how well your emails are working is to take a look at the click rates. The Clickthrough rate (CTR) can be used to gauge how well your content in the email is performing. CTR is the number of clicks that your email campaign receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown: clicks ÷ impressions = CTR.

How can I improve my open rate?

A low open rate generally indicates one of these things: Your subject line is not relevant or interesting enough Your audience is composed of a wide variety of subscribers You may be sending too many or too few campaigns There are many ways to improve your open rate, here’s a few: Test Subject Line: Length, Emojis, Questions Segment your audience by demographics, lifestyles etc.

How can I improve my click-through rate?

To improve your click rate, you'll need to create content that's useful to more subscribers. Add Call to Action Buttons Embed more links Add multimedia

Email Scheduling Questions

When is the best time to send out emails for events?

The send time depends on the type of event you are hosting. Although, we recommend for events you send one reminder email at least a week prior to the event and one 24 hours before the event. The actual send time depends on the event audience. Although, we have found that readers are less likely to check their emails on the weekend or late at night.

Is there a limit to the number of emails I can send in a day, week, or month?

You can email up to 250 subscribers per day on a free plan. If your subscriber list has more than 250 email addresses, it will send over the course of several days.

You can email anywhere from 2,000 - 10,000 subscribers per day on a paid Boost plan. If your subscriber list has more than your daily send limit, it will send over the course of several days.

Can I set up scheduled reminder emails? How?

When creating your email, before you publish, you may select “Schedule Send” under the “Schedule your campaign” section.

If your event is on April 20th and you want to send a reminder email a week before encouraging people to buy tickets, you would schedule it to send on April 13th.

If you want to remind current ticket holders about your event, you can quickly and easily do this by heading to From here, you will select your published event, click “Manage Attendees,” and choose “Emails to Attendees.”

Currently, there is no way to schedule out reminder emails to current ticket holders in this fashion. Additionally, you may NOT use the “Emails to Attendees” function to email ticket holders about a different event. This will pose a spam risk to your account.

How do I notify ticket holders of a change with my event?

If you want to notify current ticket holders about a change with your event, you can quickly and easily do this by heading to From here, you will select your published event, click “Manage Attendees,” and choose “Emails to Attendees.”

There is an option to email all your ticket holders, at which point you may notify them of any changes to your event.

How long will my email take to deliver?

There are a few things to note about the delivery time for your Email Campaign(s):

  • You can email up to 250 subscribers per day on a free plan, or anywhere between 2,000 - 10,000 depending on your plan. If your subscriber list has more than 2,000 or 6,000 email addresses respectively, it will send over the course of several days.

  • Eventbrite’s mail servers send out emails in order of send time. If your campaign shows as “Sending”, it will be sent within a couple of hours.

  • Once a campaign is sent, it cannot be canceled.

You can check on the status of your campaign under the “Campaigns” tab within the Email Campaigns dashboard. The status may read:

  • Draft: This campaign has not been sent yet.

  • Scheduled: This campaign is scheduled to send.

  • Sending: This campaign is currently being sent.

  • Sent: All emails have been sent on this campaign.

How do I cancel an email campaign?

Once an email has been launched, it will start sending. It cannot be canceled once this process begins.

If it's important you be able to cancel a campaign, you may reach out to for assistance. Please provide the name of the email campaign you'd like canceled.

Other General Questions: Tips, Case Studies

Why should I use email to market my events?

Email marketing helps you reach and connect with your target audience in a personalized way and increase sales at an affordable cost. In fact, Email marketing is 40 times more effective than social media in terms of customer acquisition.

You can read more about getting starting with your first email campaign in this quick how-to guide. ​ Utilizing email marketing for events will not only help increase attendance but create more loyal attendees.

Event creators send emails to let customers know about newly on-sale and upcoming events. Or they may be sending a weekly/monthly newsletter advertising multiple events!

Anyone can send up to 250 emails per day for free with Boost, and users with paid Boost subscriptions (starting at $15/month) can send up anywhere from 2,000 - 10,000 emails per day depending on your plan!

Eventbrite Boost's email campaigns tool is perfect for:

✅ Anyone who is new to email marketing and is starting to grow a subscriber list

✅ Anyone who is looking to save money on existing email platform subscriptions

✅ Anyone looking to send professional, customizable emails to promote Eventbrite events and drive more ticket sales

How do other creators get the most out of Eventbrite's email tools?

Read more here to see how creators are using Eventbrite's email tools to reach more audiences and sell more tickets 🔥

How much does Eventbrite’s email service cost?

Free but with a daily send limit of 250 per day. If you want to send 2,000 emails/day then upgrade to a Lite plan! If you want to send 6,000 emails/day then upgrade to a Core plan! If you want to send 10,000 emails/day then upgrade to a Pro plan!

Why should I use email to market my events?

Email marketing helps you reach and connect with your target audience in a personalized way and increase sales at an affordable cost. In fact, Email marketing is 40 times more effective than social media in terms of customer acquisition. Therefore, utilizing email marketing for events will not only help increase attendance but create more loyal attendees.

How much should I write in these emails? How much is too much?

Our recommendation is to keep the emails simple and concise. Although, the beauty of email is being able to test what works best for YOUR audience. As a creator you can test: the subject line, the copy and the type of content.

One important aspect to keep in mind while creating your email campaigns is mobile. According to a report conducted in 2018, “at least 50% of emails were opened on mobile in 2018.” and with the increased mobile traffic this year the percentage is definitely increasing. Most people don’t want to read a large amount of text on their mobile screens, therefore keeping it concise helps!

"Pay As You Go" FAQ

What is your refund policy?

  • As you are only charged for successfully delivered emails, we operate on a no refunds policy.

How is the actual cost to send my campaign calculated?

  • The price quoted before send is based off of the number of recipients in your subscriber list. If any of those emails bounce or are undeliverable when the campaign is sent, however, you will not be charged for that specific send. You can check the status of each email sent in the Delivery report. For more information, see: Improving Email Deliverability

If an email address is duplicated in my subscriber list will the subscriber receive duplicate emails / will I be billed multiple times?

  • No - duplicate subscriber email addresses will be automatically skipped and the subscriber will only receive the campaign once / you will only be billed for one send.

Am I charged for sends that are marked as SPAM/Junk in the recipient's inbox?

  • Yes, as we were able to successfully deliver these emails to the recipient’s mail server, these sends are billable.

How will I receive a receipt / confirmation of my purchase?

  • You will receive a receipt to the email address provided once your campaign has sent. If you are having difficulty finding your receipt, reach out to reach out to

Why am I not able to see the Pay As You Go option?

  • If you are in the USA: This may be due to an account restriction placed by our Trust & Safety team. If you're having this issue, please email our team at and we'll be happy to look into this for you!

  • If you are not in the USA: Currently, Pay As You Go is only available in the USA. We hope to offer this option in additional countries soon - stay tuned to our Product Updates page for all the latest developments.

I can’t send my email because it says I have a delinquent invoice.

  • When we tried to process payment on your last campaign, the credit card you provided declined. Follow the link provided to enter a new payment method and unblock your account. If you are having trouble reach out to

Can you take the cost of sending my campaign out of my event payout?

  • No, this is not currently possible although it is being considered in a future update. Stay tuned to our Product Updates page for all the latest developments.

I have a billing question or issue.

Last updated

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