Getting Started with Facebook Ads on Eventbrite Boost

Here's what you will need to set up before you can run Facebook Ads through Eventbrite Boost

Eventbrite Boost uses Facebook's Marketing API to make a creator-friendly Ads Manager experience.

There are four main requirements to running Facebook Ads on Eventbrite Boost.

You may already meet all four of these requirements if you're currently advertising on Facebook.

Requirement #1: Admin or Advertiser Access to a Facebook Page

The first requirement is to have access to a Facebook Page. The role needed on the Facebook Page is either Advertiser or Admin.

This is because the Facebook Profile connected to Eventbrite Boost needs access to the Page to create ads.

You can identify your role on a Page by visiting the Page Roles tab in the Facebook Page's Settings.

If you don't have Admin or Advertiser access to a Facebook Page, you can learn how to get that access here:

How to Request Page Advertiser Access to a Brand

If you created a Facebook Page, you are a Page Admin by default.

Requirement #2: Admin or Advertiser Access to a Facebook Ad Account

The second requirement is to have access to a Facebook Ad Account. The role needed on the Facebook Ad Account is either Advertiser or Admin.

This is because the Facebook Profile connected to Eventbrite Boost needs access to the Ad Account to create ads.

You can identify your role on an Ad Account by visiting the Ad Accounts tab in Ad Account Settings in Facebook Ads Manager.

You'll first want to select your ad account:

Select your ad account from the dropdown.

Then check to see what your role is on the ad account:

View your ad account role in the Ad Account Roles section.

If you don't have an ad account, learn how to create a new one here:

How to Create a New Facebook Ad Account

If you've advertised on Facebook before, you have Advertiser access to an Ad Account.

Requirement #3: Facebook Ad Account Attached to a Working Payment Method

The third requirement is to have a payment method attached to at least one of your Facebook Ad Accounts. This ensures that Facebook can bill you for your ad campaigns.

You can add a payment method to your ad account in the Payment Settings section of Ad Account Settings.

You'll first want to select your ad account:

Select your ad account from the dropdown

Then press the Add Payment button:

Then press Add Payment Method to add a payment method to your ad account.

For more in-depth information on adding payment methods, refer to this article:

How to Set Up a Payment Method for Facebook & Instagram Ads

Requirement #4: Facebook Profile Synced to Your Eventbrite Profile

The fourth requirement is to sync a Facebook Profile to your Eventbrite profile.

Only one Facebook profile can sync to a Eventbrite profile at a time.

Eventbrite will then allow you to use the Pages and Ad Accounts assigned to this Facebook profile.

The Facebook Pages the profile has Admin or Advertiser access to will appear as below:

The Ad Accounts the profile has Admin or Advertiser access to will appear as below:

​You can sync your Facebook Profile by going to your profile settings​

Then connect your Facebook profile in the Personal Facebook Account section:

We recommend syncing the Facebook profile of a team member who has access to the most pages and ad accounts.

We recommend using Business Manager to keep pages and ad accounts organized.

You can learn more here:

How to Create a Business Manager Account

Last updated