How to Appeal a Disabled Facebook Ad Account

This is a step-by-step guide on how to appeal a Facebook Disabled Ad Account

If your ad account has been disabled, we have a few steps you can follow to get your ad account up and running again! 🙆‍♂️

Common Reasons for Why An Ad Account is Disabled

Ad Accounts are disabled by Facebook & Instagram for one of two common reasons.

The first reason is that Facebook made a mistake and incorrectly disabled your ad account. 🤦‍♂️

Facebook is overly precautious on flagging ad accounts that may violate their advertising policies. They use a combination of algorithms and humans to determine if an ad account is violating their policy.

It is possible that your ad account has been mistakenly disabled. If you believe that is the case, you can appeal that ad disapproval process.

The second reason is that the ad doesn't follow Facebook's Advertising Policies.

Facebook's Advertising Policies apply to an ad's content, audience, and the destination it links to. Please review the ad policies, your ads, and your website to ensure that they do not violate any terms.

We've included common violations of Facebook's Advertising Policies at the bottom of this article.

How to Appeal a Disabled Facebook Ad Account

There are two methods that you can use to appeal your disabled ad account.

The first method is to use Facebook Support Chat / Email.

The second method is to use the Request Review of Restricted Ad Account form.

You can view a video guide of how to appeal a disabled Facebook Ad Account here:

A video guide on how to appeal a disabled Facebook Ad Account.

Method 1: Use Facebook Support Chat / Email

The first method is to use Facebook Support Chat / Email.

Facebook chat support is great. As is their email support.

The key to using these channels is to be polite and fill out your request accurately.

Step 1: Visit the Business Help Center

Step 2: Click on "Get Started" next to "Find answers or contact support"

If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find a button you can use to contact the Facebook team.

The Chat form and Email contact form have a slightly different UI, however the information they ask for is the same. Chat is typically fastest, but email is just as effective.

Step 3: Select your Category

Choose the proper category you’d like assistance with. For disabled ad accounts, select "Policy & Account Security" (the first option).

Step 4: Click “Chat with a Representative” at the bottom of the screen (below "Need more help? Contact Support.")

Instead of selecting one of the pre-existing support options, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the "Chat with a representative" option.

Step 5: Fill out your contact information

Enter your name, phone number, email address, and relationship to the business.

Step 6: Enter your Ad Account ID

Scroll down and enter your Facebook Ad Account ID

You can find your Ad Account ID by visiting the Facebook Ads Manager interface or inside the ToneDen Facebook Advertising Platform.

The Ad Account ID will be featured in the top left corner or in the URL after "campaigns?act=".

Your Ad Account ID will also be featured in the Select Accounts step of any ad campaign creation process in Eventbrite Boost.

Please remember to include the Ad Account ID that you created the Facebook Ad campaign with that contains the disapproved ad.

Step 5: Choose "Ad account-level issues" and "My ad account was disabled"

Step 6: Enter the Subject Title and Description of Your Appeal

Please use the following Subject Title: Please review my ad account.

Then copy and paste the below message into the Description:

Hi there,

I believe your algorithm mistakenly disabled my ad account. My ad account does not violate any Facebook TOS.

Please have a human review the ad content and approve as soon as possible.

I appreciate your help!


Be polite and informative. Facebook employees are people too.

Step 7: Begin Chat or Request Support

Press the Start Chat or contact button at the bottom of the form.

Be polite and informative. Facebook employees are people too.

Method 2: Use the Request Review of Restricted Ad Account form.

The second method is to use the Request Review of Restricted Ad Account form.

Step 2: Select Ad Account, "Another Reason", and State your Appeal

Select Yes in the Is this your account? step.

Then select your ad account in the Select Ad Account dropdown.

Select Another reason: in the Why are you requesting a review? section to state your appeal.

We recommend using the following language:

I believe your algorithm mistakenly disabled my ad account. My ad account does note violate any Facebook TOS. Please have a human review. Thx

Step 3: Press Send

Facebook’s appeal process can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 days. Once the ad account is enabled, no further action is required. Your campaign will begin delivering immediately upon your scheduled start date.

Last updated