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☑️ You're an . You can't use a personal profile or Facebook group.
☑️ Facebook's checkout won't let attendees pick seats (reserved seating events only).
☑️ All events published on Facebook are visible to the public.
To get started:
Go to Manage my events in your Eventbrite account. Then select your event.
Go to Add to Facebook (under Marketing).
Select Connect to Facebook, this should open up another tab where you can log into your Facebook account.
If you have an existing Facebook event, you can link to that event (not available for recurring events).
If your exact location isn't available, pick the best option. Then, change the address to the correct one on Facebook after publishing the event to Facebook.
NOTE: Even online events need a location so Facebook can set a time zone for your event. This location won't be displayed to attendees.
When you publish your event to Facebook, you can also add tickets to your Facebook event. Attendees will be able to use Facebook's checkout to register for your event.
To sell tickets on Facebook:
You must add paid or free ticket types (not donation).
Your event must be in-person (not online).
Paid tickets must use Eventbrite Payment Processing.
Your event can't use group registration.
Your tickets must be visible.
You can still publish the event on Facebook even if you don't select any ticket types. In that case, your Facebook event will redirect attendees to your Eventbrite event page.
NOTE: New ticket types you create on Eventbrite aren't automatically added to your Facebook event. You can add more ticket types to your Facebook event after publishing.
Co-hosts can invite people and edit your Facebook event. Search for their Facebook page in the search bar to add them. Co-hosts have to confirm your request on Facebook.
Review your event description to confirm it is correct. Make any changes you need, then click Publish when you're ready to go live.
To own the event on Facebook, you have to accept the co-host request. Click the link to view your event listing. Then click Accept.
After you accept the co-host request, you can edit your Facebook event, and the page you selected page will be the host.
From Add to Facebook
Click Remove from Facebook to delete the event on Facebook. This isn't possible once you've sold tickets through Facebook.
Click Edit to change your description, co-hosts, or ticket types.
For any other changes, click the link to visit your event on Facebook. You can edit your Facebook event from there.
☑️ Facebook’s checkout collects names, email addresses, billing information, and . Facebook’s checkout won't collect any other information, including any custom questions.
☑️ After adding your event to Facebook, you'll be able to (just like other Facebook events).
If you don't see all your Facebook pages, go to Facebook and . Make sure that the Eventbrite app has access to all your Facebook pages.
Add your event to Facebook to promote, share, and sell tickets on Facebook. Attendees can buy tickets directly on Facebook, share your event with their friends, and add it to their Facebook calendar.